Friday, May 13, 2011

MADONNA The Energic Pop Queen Of The World

Madonna and her 14 years old daughter Lourdes Maria perform "It´s so Cool

The Pop Queen Madonna pretends to launch a new single that she did with her daughter Lourdes Maria soon and it is called "It´s so Cool".
Both of them, mother and daughter, had already recorded a version of that song in 2003 that entered in the compilation "Celebration" in 2009.
At the beggining of this year 2011, mother and daughter entered in the studio to record a new reading of this song. "IT´S SO COOL".
Madonna is investing on the artistic future of her daughter LOURDES MARIA.
It is said that " Lourdes Maria has a great voice and lots of personality".
Madonna has hope.
Madonna desires that LOURDES assums her place in the artistic musical world and that she becomes in one of the greatest artists of the world.
MADONNA is the perfect mentor for her daughter.
                                    Mother and Daughter

Lourdes Maria

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